Wednesday Heritage Club
£2 per person
Suitable for ages 16+
Local history talks take place at the Wednesday Heritage Club every second Wednesday of the month, 2-3pm at The Word. Tickets are £2 and are available to buy online (plus booking fee) or from the first-floor staff pod at The Word.
Upcoming talks:
- 8 January – David Evans, The Teacher, the Board and the Villainous Vicar
- 12 February – Tyne to Titanic: The rescue of Titanic survivors by the Tyne built passenger liner Carpathia
- 12 March – Catherine Cookson
- 9 April – Banners and the South Shields Banner
- 14 May – Old Wives Tales: Remedies, Pills and Potions
For more details contact 0191 427 1818
By booking tickets for this event, you are agreeing to our booking terms and conditions.
If you have a disability of any kind or you require special assistance, please contact us on 0191 427 1818.