Flag in the Map Exhibition
Suitable for all ages
Exploring the rainbow flag in all parts of the world
The Flag in the Map is an international exhibition that documents people flying their rainbow flags, however they are able, in all parts of the world. From Kyiv to Zimbabwe, participants were asked to share what the rainbow flag means to them, and a selection of the responses are on display in this installation and in additional exhibitions around the world. This educational project is a partnership between the Gilbert Baker Foundation and Report OUT.
For decades, the Rainbow Flag has changed lives. The Flag in the Map exhibition is a stirring collection of photographs and stories that proves the flag’s universal power to inspire LGBTQ+ people around the world, especially in countries where their everyday existence is threatened. The stories they tell are hopeful, sometimes harrowing, but always fascinating – and a testament to the enduring strength of the Rainbow Flag.
See the exhibition in the Ground Floor Pod at The Word from Friday 5 to Tuesday 30 July.
We are delighted to showcase this exhibition as part of Pride in South Tyneside – a month long Pride Festival taking place throughout July, delivered with Out North East.
This exhibition is supported by South Tyneside Council’s Cultural Development Programme as part of South Tyneside’s Cultural Strategy – Making Waves.
If you have a disability of any kind or you require special assistance, please contact us on 0191 427 1818.